Author: dannyh
Birds don’t just fly, they fall down and get up
Fall at the first hurdle… you must be joking, not this guy, not this time. I was going to do this, and I was going to do it right. I wasn’t going to rush this, this wasn’t sex, I was going to take my time and do it properly, without pulling any muscles…. Or crying……
I hurt myself today
I hate running. Especially if it is solely as a form of exercise. I get it if it’s to not be the rotten egg, or to not miss your flight (that happened) or to escape a heard of stampeding rhinoceros maybe. But purely for exercise, no thanks you. That being said, and I think this…
Got to have high high hopes for a living
On the morning of September 5th 2023 I weighed in at 17st 4lbs…. It was, at that particular moment in time both the oldest I had been and the heaviest… I’m 5’10” tall and 46 years old… that is a BMI of about 35, which roughly translates to me being fat, unfit, middle aged motherfucker.…
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